Motivational Posters For Your Home Office?

by: Niall Roche

Is there really a place for motivational posters in your home office? The thought of putting these posters in your home workspace may sound cheesy to say the least. Even worse it could even remind you of those dreaded, awful days when you were tied to a desk and forced to enjoy the company "decoration" of mission statements, useless slogans and their idea of motivational posters (more like propaganda eh?).

All these things were meant to make you more productive each day, to enhance your company "loyalty" and to increase staff morale. What effect did they really have? Yes they drove you a little bit more mad each day and actually made you resent where you worked - the exact opposite effect they were meant to have! It makes you wonder if management teams really think this stuff through right?

This is why you never really wanted to see a motivational poster again - ever. There's a difference though when you're doing it for your home office. YOU get to pick the poster. YOU choose a poster that means something to YOU. Gone are the days of you having to tolerate some pointless, hopeless and heartless company slogan that makes you physically ill when you think about it.

This time the poster choice is up to you. You can pick a poster that truly speaks to you and has real meaning. This is the essence of any motivational material - it has to actually mean something to you or otherwise it's just a waste of time. Human resource and communications managers in most companies could learn a lot by just understanding that simple fact.

It doesn't even need to be a "motivational" type poster. It could be a poster of a favourite movie that reminds you of something you want to achieve in life - financially or otherwise. Motivation in your home office doesn't need to be as black and white as it was in the corporate world.

What motivates you at home is going to be totally different to what motivated (if motivation is the word) in work. At work you are most frequently motivated by fear - fear of layoffs, fear of not getting the promotion, fear of some petty office politics affecting your career. Too much fear!

Your home office can and should be devoid of this fear. Your personal motivation at home could be self-fulfillment, a better standard of living or more money for your entire family. These are all positive and are all driven by your desire to succeed. Any poster you decide to put up in your office can and should reflect this.

If posters don't suit you then how about a motivational startup page for your web browser or desktop? These are a great way to constantly remind yourself of goals that you've set for yourself and really help to keep you motivated and focused.

So why not add a poster to your office today? Just make it something that speaks to you at the deepest level. It should make you smile as much as it keeps you motivated and focused on your work and goals.

About The Author
Niall Roche
This article was provided courtesy of

EQ is a Key Tool for Success

by: Stephanie Vermeulen

For many men the term ‘emotional intelligence’ - or EQ as it’s more commonly known - sounds contradictory, a bit like the idea of a ‘fun run’. But with EQ there’s no contradiction. When it boils down, EQ is a key tool in being able to get your own way. It has nothing to do with ‘touchy-feely’ pink-blouse stuff and shouldn’t be confused with weeping in the boardroom. In fact emotional intelligence is the very foundation that great people have built their achievements upon. As such it’s high up on the list of study for anyone striving for success.

No one can survive or succeed on their own and unless one has the skills to get other people’s co-operation, success becomes elusive.

Developing a healthy level of EQ is a two-fold attack. Firstly it’s about managing oneself and secondly it’s about knowing how to push someone else’s buttons to get what you want out of them. Yet, even though experience teaches us this, how many people still use inappropriate styles to force others to cooperate. However, instead of throwing one’s toys, be aware that everyone has buttons that will get a good response and it’s a matter of finding these in each individual.

But the place to start is with oneself. For women this may be easier than for men. Traditionally boys are taught that emotions are for girls. So from a very early age boys are taught to suppress their feelings. We now know that expressing emotions is a source of shame for males and it is this very shame that forces men to lobotomise their feelings. They end up feeling nothing. No joy, sadness nor excitement.

However, emotions won’t be anaesthetised forever and at some point there will be an explosion. Anger is the most powerful feeling and in cases of long-term emotional suppression, this is the one emotion that breaks through the numbness.

So much so that Claude Steiner - author of Achieving Emotional Literacy- claims that this emotional paralysis is often the source of violent behaviour - behaviours like road rage, spousal abuse and even serial killers.

If you suppress the very system that makes you feel alive, Steiner believes that acts of rage are the only time these individuals feel human.

But in reality suppressing emotions means shutting off a powerful source of information - information that allows one to control one’s existence. Emotions are a robust system offering useful feedback about the choices we’re making. Bad decisions make us feel uncomfortable and this discomfort works much like a warning light in a motorcar. When something’s wrong a light alerts us to act, to do something to change the situation. It’s the same with our emotions.

Emotions provide a stream of feedback that can be decoded like a language. For instance, anger is a clear message telling us we’re not getting our own way. Yelling at someone seldom helps but working out a ‘win-win’ solution probably will make all the difference. The ‘win-win’ she claims is a known difficulty for men because boys are taught to be competitive. Yet good leaders with wisdom know that this is the ultimate win. The only other option is frustration, which too holds an important message.

If you’re feeling frustrated the feeling is telling you to change something; your attitude, your approach, or even your job. In pursuit of relieving frustration we often believe that other people must change but, with all the best will in the world, we can’t change anyone else but ourselves. However, we can change how we respond to other people. This will cause them to react differently and don’t stop changing your reaction until you get the response you’re wanting. Sure it takes effort but how much sweat goes into losing one’s temper or resigning oneself to frustration?

So working more appropriately with our emotions is not about being a softy, it is in fact a logical and rational process.

In addition feelings are also the basis of real motivation. In reality only two things motivate us:

1. creating the life we want or

2. moving away from the things we don’t like or don’t want.

Number one has a more powerful pull than number two. The second form is a bit like driving one’s motorcar with only the rear-view mirror to guide you. This second form is where so many South Africans get stuck. For decades we were trying to move away from a system that was untenable. Now it’s become a habit.

Instead we’d be far better off looking forward to what we’re creating. This is particularly relevant in one’s own life. Here it’s important to understand that the decisions we make today will dictate our lives tomorrow. But sadly too few people are prepared to look into their own future and the implications are dire. In a world that’s changing rapidly we continue to naively hope that our personal universe will remain the same. This belief is what derails many people’s lives.

So what could the future hold? For starters, about 50% of the world’s working population will be technically unemployed over the next few years. This doesn’t mean that people will never work again, but we will all work differently. So instead of having a salary at month end or a sturdy pension to rely on, our only security, in future, will come from what we can do or produce. When people grasp this they can prepare for far more self-reliance - a habit many find difficult to get used to.

As part of a global trend, the economy is forcing more entrepreneurs into the market. However, if people define themselves too narrowly, many will have to resort to a piece of crumpled cardboard at the traffic lights for a living.

Certainly where EQ comes into its own is in the area of entrepreneurial business. Daniel Goleman - who popularised the EQ trend with his book - Emotional Intelligence - shows that many people with a high IQ work for those with an average IQ, but higher than normal EQ. This makes sense.

Business requires guts to take risks, creativity, perseverance, picking oneself up from failures and the ability to persuade customers, suppliers, staff and even the bank manager. All are important EQ skills made more powerful by an unshaken belief in oneself.

One of the cornerstones of EQ is having a healthy self-esteem and it’s easier than it seems. Self-esteem is the ability to accept oneself ‘warts and all’. It is not to be confused with arrogance. Arrogant people tend to have a veneer of self-belief because they’re always talking about themselves. But in reality they’re very insecure people. They try to persuade others about their greatness precisely because they don’t believe in it themselves.

How we feel about ourselves is important because our level of self-esteem shows. It also determines the outcome of everything we do. So if you’re going for an interview, it will dictate whether you get the job. Likewise on a date, your self-belief will determine whether you end up going home alone.

And while we’re on the topic of sex, be aware that ‘lust’ is not an emotion. Sure it’s a powerful physical sensation but often not one backed by much intelligence! But if what you’re wanting is to get your own way - in bed or at the office - a healthy level of EQ is a far more persuasive tool than a few weeks of begging!

About The Author

Stephanie Vermeulen of The Effective Training Corporation runs practical training programmes on Applied EQ in business and public forums as well as being an inspiring conference speaker and personal coach. Her books, Stitched-up: Who Fashions Women’s Lives? and EQ: Emotional Intelligence for Everyone are available from all leading bookstores and online from and She can be contacted by e-mail: or her website:

The Biggest Distractions Of Working From Home And How To Avoid Them

by: Angie Hewerdine

Do you ever have days when the little things in life seem to be fighting to keep you from getting any work done? Here are some suggestions to help you alleviate some of the most common distractions people face when working from home.

If you have young children underfoot throughout the day, it is easy to be drawn away from work. Try to get things done during nap times and after the children have gone to bed. You can hire a teen aged mothers helper to come in for a few hours each day, or go all out and hire a Nanny. Even 10 hours a week of quiet, uninterrupted time will help you drive your home business forward.

Repeatedly checking your emails can be another major distraction. Replying, deleting, and managing emails is a drain on your time and produces no real results. I recommend checking your emails no more than 3 times a day, and deleting unwanted emails only once a day, in the evening. You will be surprised how much time this will free up for you to do more important tasks.

Surfing the net can be a serious time waster. If you are looking for specific information, find what you need quickly and then get out . Sign yourself off of messenger services, and by all means stay away from chat rooms, forums and blogs until you have completed your work for the day.

Use a voice mail service to take your phone calls if you don't wish to talk on the phone. Make sure to turn the ringer off so you won't be distracted. Set aside a specific block of time each day to call contacts and leads and follow up. Stick to your plan.

Running errands can be done at specific times during the week, such as on Wednesday between 1 and 3. Going out for just one errand 2 to 4 times a week is a waste of energy, time and gas. Get it all done in one afternoon and don't worry about it for the rest of the week.

Housework is not everyone's favorite activity. If you avoid it, you'll get overwhelmed. If you are spending too much time on it, you have little time for your business and family. It helps if you delegate some of the responsibility to other family members. Break up the chores by doing 15 minutes worth of cleaning several times a day. This has the added benefit of getting you up out of your desk chair and moving. If finances allow, you can hire a cleaning service to assist you with the chores that you really dislike doing.

Putting these suggestions into practice will keep the distractions to a minimum and ensure your home business will run more smoothly.

About The Author

Angie Hewerdine is a successful home business owner with a driving passion for helping others change their lives. She has assisted many in realizing and attaining their personal and financial objectives. Learn more at or call 1-800-491-4758.

The 3 Simple, Yet Critical, Steps to a Millionaire Mindset

by: Laurence D'Ambrosio

1. The first step towards gaining a millionaire mindset is realizing that you have the absolute right to be successful. If you think you don’t deserve wealth and money and abundance then you will never have it! You must realize your worth and realize that you are capable of anything that you set your mind to.

If you think of yourself as a victim or think the world owes you something then you will never have anything more than you have now.

Victims always remain victims.

The world will give you anything you want, you just have to go out and get it…victims don’t do this, they are far happier complaining about what they don’t have than actively searching for a solution to their problems.

Just wanting something enough and realizing that you are worth everything you want is the first step to your new wealth attraction mindset.

2. People often assume that if you want money then you are greedy!

They are Wrong!

It means that you have ambition and seek change. If you didn’t have ambition then you would be happy making a pittance in any mind-numbing dead-end job.

Imagine the people you could help if you had enough money. Imagine the charities you could support, or even start! You could help out your parent’s, your siblings, the poor, and the destitute, and the hungry! So really you’re being mighty selfish if you don’t strive to make the most money you can, to be the best person you can be.

When you think these ways you are charging the idea of money with positive energy. You are subconsciously saying ‘I have to make lots of money so I can help my mother, so I can donate to the Red Cross, and the children of Africa.’ Therefore making money and being rich isn’t bad at all, it is vital!

The second step towards your millionaire mindset is to actively change your thinking from ‘negative’ to ‘positive’. Our subconscious mind is one of the most powerful things in the universe and negative thoughts affect the running of this great machine. They clog it up with self doubt, self pity, and guilt, and they ruin any chance of wealth attraction.

Many people often destroy their chances of wealth creation because even before they begin they are subconsciously thinking, ‘It will be too hard’, ‘I could never possibly do that’ and ‘I’m scared of the consequences’.

These secret thoughts ruin any possibility of success. You need to constantly be programming your mind with positive affirmations and thoughts to propel you along the road to sustainable wealth creation. Repeating positive statements will verify in your own mind that you are on a constructive and worthwhile quest for riches.

So thoughts like ‘I will make it, it’s not too difficult, and I am an amazing individual who deserves wealth and abundance in everything I do’ will energize your mind and keep you optimistic and pointing in the right direction.

3. The final step you must take to accumulate wealth and own your millionaire mindset is education! You must study the strategies of those already rich; they are the ones with the answers. You must understand how to put in place different plans to make the most possible money you can, you must be a smart investor and smart investors invest in their own education before anything else.

Find mentors that will teach you, attend seminars that will encourage you, read books that are suggested and recommended. For 3 FREE wealth creation books that are essential to the development of your millionaire mindset go to

You need to start associating with people who have either already gained a millionaire mindset or with those who are on the same road to riches you are on. It may seem mean or harsh but it is crucial to drop any person that does not enrich your life. This doesn’t have to be done in a hasty or spiteful way but it must be done.

It doesn’t matter if they are the life of the party, if you do not benefit from your relationship you must move on from them, otherwise you will grow stagnant and lose sight of the road to wealth.

The further you tread the path to wealth the more you will realize that you only want to hang out with like minded individuals, ones with positive energy and open minds, ones who will take a well thought out chance.

Ones who are not afraid to face up to life and demand what they want. Ones, whom you will continually learn from, and don’t worry about being a user and taking too much from these people, for they in turn will learn from you. As much as you seem to take, you won’t be able to do anything else but give it back.

So these three steps:

• Realisation,
• Active positive thinking, and
• Education.

Are the crucial steps that you need to start you on your wealth creation way. They are the baby steps that you must take before you can begin striding down, and eventually sprinting down, the road to wealth creation, abundance and a better lifestyle for you and all those you love.

About The Author

Laurence D’Ambrosio is an active seeker of wealth. He graduated from Jamie McIntyre’s Internet Marketing Homestudy program; the tactics he learned from Jamie allowed him to cut down his 9-5 job to 3 days a week.

He is director of an investing company and together with the other two directors, aims to retire within 3 years. He is 23 years old and happy beyond belief.

Check out the strategies he learned at

Smart Time Management Tips

by: Sherrie Le Masurier

From time to time most of us struggle with time management, how to find enough time in our day and how to make that time work for us.

Good time management skills are developed over time. It all starts with learning just what is slowing us down and what types of things keep getting in the way of our productivity.

Have you ever spent countless hours preparing for a special dinner or party only to find what should have taken a few hours ended up taking the entire afternoon? So what goes wrong and why does it always to seem to take twice as long to pull some things off?

First, it was the missing recipe ingredient you had to rush out to the grocery store for. And like most Saturdays, the store is busy and the customer in front of you has five too many items for the express line. When you do arrive back home the delays continue, the phone rings non-stop and the kids keep pestering you about “where’s my…” and “have you seen my…” And with all the confusion, the white sauce gets scorched and the chocolate soufflĂ© sinks.

Interruptions come in many forms – the most obvious being the telephone or doorbell but they can also be silent – like when your mind wanders. But take heart. You can get more done in less time once you become aware of what type of things slow you down.

For some big ‘time management’ improvements try the following tips on for size.

DEFLECT DISTRACTIONS – Create an atmosphere that fosters concentration. First begin by finding some quiet time for yourself. If your phone rings frequently, let the answering machine pick up your calls. If your children are continually interrupting you with little things, tell them you need to concentrate on what you’re doing. Explain that if they let you focus, you’ll finish quicker and you’ll have more time to spend with them later.

CLEAR YOUR DESK – It’s hard to concentrate on something like paying your bills when your desk is overrun with clutter (paperwork in need of filing, library books in need of returning – you get the idea). The solution comes when you move everything else out of sight except for the things needed to accomplish the task at hand.

PRIORITIZE – Many women can’t concentrate because they have too many things on their plates. So many things are competing for our attention that it’s difficult to focus on any of them. The answer comes in writing a detailed to-do list, beginning with the most urgent project and working down to the least important. Having a list to refer to helps you select one project at a time and give it your full attention.

About The Author

Sherrie Le Masurier is a lifestyle columnist, organizing consultant and a member of Professional Organizers in Canada. She offers up smart solutions for busy families via and - Copyright.

Manifesting Your Dreams

by: Joe Clinton

Have you noticed that your life isn't moving in the direction that you really want it to? You should realize that you can affect the direction of your life and make it move easily and naturally in the direction that you desire. Your dreams for your life will manifest themselves actually even more effortlessly than your life has manifested itself and what it has become up to this point.

A person's subconscious mind forms beliefs (usually in childhood) that limit that person's ability to achieve the dreams that he/she has in his/her life. A person's subconscious beliefs are much like the autopilot programming that is set to take a plane to a specific destination. If the pilot of the plane wants to go in different direction, he/she will fight against the autopilot programming in an attempt to change the course he/she is on. However, the autopilot is entirely in control and there won't be any difference made in the direction the plane is flying. Once the pilot addresses the programming of the autopilot directly, and changes the commands that the autopilot holds, the pilot can then easily turn the plane in any direction he/she chooses.

A person who is in effect the pilot in his/her life may fight very hard to change the course of his/her life, but the subconscious programming that exists in his/her mind will overpower the person's efforts and his/her life will continue moving in an undesirable direction until he/she addresses the programming in the subconsciousness. Once a person changes his/her deeply rooted beliefs that limit him/her in life, and reprogram those beliefs to support what he/she wants in life, that person will notice a natural, effortless movement in the desired direction.

You now have the knowledge you need to take begin making your life move in the direction you choose. You owe one thing to yourself more than any other thing, and that is to respectfully manifest your dreams in your life. Today, you can choose to those a few steps that will cause your life to move effortlessly in the direction you want your life to go; the direction toward your dreams.

Thank you for your interest and taking time to read this article,

Joe Clinton.

About The Author

For more information about how you can create the life you want and live your dreams as you truly deserve, please visit Don't forget to sign up for the free ebook that will serve as a powerful resource to get you on your way to creating true, natural changes in your life.

Self Improvement Success Thinking

by: Devlyn Steele

Life Coach Advice

If you think success, success will happen. It sounds like magic, success thinking, but that is exactly how it works! Before anything is realized in our lives, it is preceded by a thought. If you want shoes, you first have to think shoes. If you want to eat, you first think food. Without the thought, no action is taken and nothing is realized. In life, if you want success, you have to learn how to think successfully.

If at some point you have the thought to change a certain area of your life, deciding to create change is just the first step to making a transformation. Falling into the same approach to change that failed in the past will only lead to the same result. In order to get new results you have to change your mental patterns. Learn how to use success thinking and you will create the life you want.

It is said, “We become what we think.” In other words, we are shaped by our thoughts. When you were born, your brain contained over 100 billion cells. Imagine that! Granted, these cells had yet to develop any real circuit connectivity.

Over time, you developed synopses that became the road map to your thoughts resulting from environmental exposure. Everything you have seen and experienced has shaped and defined the patterns of your thoughts. These thoughts drive the engine of your actions.

Learning takes place in the region of the brain called the cerebral cortex. When we are actively learning we are consciously concentrating. Once we have an activity fully understood, our learning passes from the conscious to the unconscious. Think back to when you learned to tie your shoelaces, drive a car, or brush your teeth. These activities once required a great deal of our focus and concentration yet now we are able to perform them with very little or often no thought at all.

Think of all the activities you do without thought. Think about your breathing, your heart, your arms moving, walking. The “automatic brain” performs much of what we do.

Your brain develops automatic activity from every single experience, thought and emotion. The words you speak to yourself will determine your brain patterns. You need to once again become conscious and take an active role in your life.

When we fail, we fail largely because of our own self-limiting thoughts and partly because of our desire to make changes in our circumstances without changing our thinking. There are no magic bullets or magic answer that will solve your situations. There are no magic diets, magic exercise machines or get-rich-quick programs.

Success requires a shift in thinking. Success is not limited to a few arbitrary individuals. Success is only limited to those who learn how to think positively with the genuine belief in their ability to achieve. This means you have to change the way you talk to yourself.

Get actively involved in changing how you are thinking. Take a new mental approach and you will find your life changing as a result. The way to achieve a change in your thinking patterns is to use empowering affirmations. The words you speak are the ideas with which you train yourself and those around you to accept.

The only limitations on your life are the limitations you place on your life by how you think. In Tools-To-Life, the approach to changing your thinking is called “correctional thinking.” This method allows you to substantiate how you should think to achieve your goals. The result is success thinking that actualizes your ability to re-create your life and make it what you want it to be.

About The Author

About Tools To Life Developed by Life Coach Devlyn Steele, Tools To Life is a revolution in self- development, a 77-day program in which thousands have implemented successful changes in their lives. Devlyn Steele is a public consultant, a private counselor, a radio host and an author. He has hosted his own radio show, "Tools To Life" and has been a guest on over 150 various shows. For more information, visit:

Where Are You Going?

by: Thea Westra

Are your goals “moving away from” goals or” moving toward” goals? Check in with yourself on this one because one of these is a source of power for consistent action and the other is a source of continued frustration, procrastination and doubt.

When you have a powerful vision of a future that you are designing and you have a passion for wanting to create a particular outcome then not much can stop you from taking action toward your target of intent.

If, on the other hand, your actions are geared more for avoiding something and escaping a particular scenario in your life then you will be weakened in your resolve to continue taking the actions required to fulfil the outcome. There is no clear outcome that you envisage for yourself. You only see the “what’s not” rather than the “what will be”. This cannot be very inspiring.

You could say that you want to go to Europe because you don’t want to get to the end of your life not having travelled. So you hop on a plane and you start moving around Europe. Once you arrive home you see magazine images of places in Europe that you regret not having seen and you feel the need to repeat the journey because the last trip left you unfulfilled in your true desires.

Simply, you had not got clear about your personal, heartfelt reasons for wanting the trip. Therefore all the places of interest that would have completed the holiday for you, were not visited because you had no plans. The goal was to have travelled to Europe in case you regret it later – a “moving away from” goal.

If your goal was one of “moving towards” the exhilarating experiences of actually standing in front of a Van Gogh painting or skiing down a slope in the Alps then I’d assert that the trip would have been more carefully planned to incorporate those experiences and you would likely have returned home completely satisfied with a trip you can declare a success. Something to celebrate.

As another example, some people see marriage as a way out of a parental home and parental control. They are not looking at the marriage as a long-term partnership of two people creating a lifestyle that empowers both. So when the wedding is over and behind them, the couple are living a situation that feels like a brand new prison, simply another life circumstance from which to seek escape.

Alternatively, if both people step into the marriage with a view to creating a life together that makes a difference to themselves and to those around them then when the wedding feast is behind them, they still have their wonderful plans for that lifestyle and those dreams that they wished to create and work towards, together.

Similarly, if we look to having a certain amount of money as a mechanism for moving away from financial concern or a restricted lifestyle, then when that particular amount of money is generated and “in the bank”, the concern for never living a life of financial hardship is still there. The acquired wealth is not freely enjoyed and life remains restricted because now, we are living in fear - managing ways to hang on to that money and never lose again. Rather than creating projects with freedom in the knowledge that we have continued access to manifesting money whenever it is wanted because we have expanded who we are, in relationship to abundance.

When you are living and taking action on a “moving toward” goal then the questions you ask yourself are very different questions than those you’d be asking yourself if your goal is to avoid something. Our learning and development is all about the questions that we ask and answers we find on that journey.

Revisit your current goals and make sure to ask yourself, am I moving towards something that inspires me or am I pursuing this goal to move away from an undesired situation? One of these two choices brings with it much more power and fun for accomplishing what it is that you’re actually seeking to achieve, from your heart.

As expressed by Abraham-Hicks, "Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want."

About The Author

©Thea Westra is an international life coach who resides in Perth, Western Australia. She publishes a free, monthly e-zine at and several personal development blogs, see the bottom of this site for their links.

Organize Life & Business~ 5 Simple Steps to Get Organized & Get Energized

by: Beth Tabak

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." A. A. Milne

In personal development growth occurs more easily when we create space to grow. In order to experience living beyond limits in business or personal lives we must rid ourselves of the chaos and clutter that keeps us clogged up. To change life and business begin by getting organized.

1- Know Your Top Priority Zones~ Focus on 3 to 5. Top priority zones are the most valuable areas of your life. Consider the roles you play throughout the day. What means the most to you long-term? Examples are spirituality, self-care, family, business, career, home, education, hobbies, volunteer work, etc. To make the best time management decisions know your priorities. You will be challenged by a new opportunity. Does it honor your priorities? If not, say 'no' for now.

Under each top priority zone list the top 3-5 priorities. For instance, under self-care you could have exercise, take vitamins, eat 5 fruits/ vegetables, read for 30 minutes, and drink 8 glasses of water daily. The more you can simplify and get focused the better.

2- Schedule Blocks of Time~ Blocks of time for your various priority zones give you time and a clear focus on the priorities in each area. Consider how much time you need and how much you can commit to each priority. When is the best time of day to schedule it so that you follow through? Customize your schedule to fit your energy level and personality so your time is used efficiently.

3- Now you can create your "to do" list or "toleration" list- What are you putting up with that needs to be handled. Get it out of your head and into a system such as a list, daytimer, palm pilot, blackberry, computer, etc. Plan to do it, delegate it, or dump it. What can you let go of? Give yourself permission to let go so you can focus on what will make the greatest difference.

4- Systematize- Create systems that save you time and make life easier. If there is an area not working for you chances are it is in need of a simple system. How often are you running to the store and what can you do to make one trip? When you buy something new, get rid of something old so your closets never get packed. How can you spend less time waiting in lines, managing e-mail, and handling paperwork? What marketing system can you put in place so you know exactly what to do each day. Create a home for everything so you know exactly where items go. Instead of items landing where they were left have a designated space for office supplies, a space for hardware, etc. Pick up more ideas at

5- Set Yourself Up for Peak Performance- Take regular breaks to rejuvenate. In the book the Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, the authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz suggest taking 10 minute breaks every 90 minutes. Get plenty of sleep and choose healthy energy sources vs. adrenaline for endurance. By the way...I hope you chose self-care as one of your top priorities.

Take a day off, get help, do what it takes to organize your life and business. Save time doing what you don't like and more time doing what gets you pumped. That's when you will bubble over sharing the special gifts you have to offer and we will all be better off. StartingNow!

Copyright 2006, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.

About The Author

Beth Tabak of is committed to small business coaching & personal life coaching. She is also a speaker and columnist. Beth coaches big thinkers to move beyond limits, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. Stop by to see all the gifts available to you and say "hello".