Affiliate Software - Tracking External Campaigns Made Easy

By Maros Fric

Many people don't realise that affiliate software has more uses than just "simple" affiliate management. It can be used to track activity (including conversions and ROI) of campaigns running on AdWords, Overture, or anywhere else.

First question is - why should you do it?

Most of the advertising systems do have some kind of sale conversion tracking.

This is true, but there are some benefits when you use your affiliate system to do the work:

# You can compare the results of different campaigns

Affiliate software (if it's good one) will allow you to easily view reports of clicks, sales and conversions for given campaign. You can easily find out what pays of and what not.

Moreover, by comparing conversion ratio of different campaigns you can identify the weak points and try to improve them.

What if you'll find out that your Overture campaign converts much less visitors into buyers than AdWords?

If you know this, you can try to improve it. And when you make a change, the affiliate system will tell you again if your sale conversion increased or not, and how it compares to others.

# No need to include multiple sale tracking codes

It is simply less work. When you have affiliate software installed, it already contains the sale-tracking snippet.

So you don't need to edit your pages and place the sale conversion codes for every new advertising system you plan to use, you'll simply use the affiliate's system build-in sale tracking capability.

# It allows you to track also systems that don't implicitly offer sale conversion tracking

Google AdWords and Overture do have sale conversion tracking, but what if you buy campaign somewhere else? Or banner placement, sponsored listing, etc.?

You can even track free listing or text link included in some web directory or your friend's web page.

My company uses multiple marketing channels, for example we pay for sponsored listing on HotScripts. If we don't track it with affiliate system, we would have no idea how many visitors HotScripts sends to our page, and how many of them actually made a purchase.

Now, if I persuaded you that tracking ROI and conversions using affiliate system is a good idea, let's move to the next step - how to set it up.

It depends on the affiliate software you use, but most of them will have this functionality.

First of all, what can be tracked?

* pay-per-click campaigns on Google AdWords, Yahoo Marketing and similar
* your own link exchanges with another website
* your paid advertisements on another web sites
* etc.

The principle is simple - you should create a special "virtual" affiliate for every system or campaign you want to track. Then use its affiliate link instead of your website URL in the campaign destination.

Because the advertisement on external website points to your site through affiliate link, affiliate system will track the clicks and purchases originating from this source as if it is your affiliate.

You can easily control how many clicks they are really sending to you, get the conversion ratio, etc.

Exact measurement of campaign results will enable you to effectively plan your marketing campaigns and improve your marketing techniques.

Example - Tracking Google AdWords step by step

1. Create "virtual" affiliate for Google - go to admin panel of your affiliate program and manually create new affiliate called Google 'Adwords'.

You can specify any affiliate details, it is not a real affiliate and only you can access it.

2. Get the affiliate link - log in to affiliate control panel of new affiliate and get the affiliate's link. You can use link from code of any banner, or you could have created special banner for this before.

Affiliate link usually looks like

3. Use affiliate link in AdWords campaign - open your Google control panel, and rewrite the ad destination URL with the affiliate's link.

That's all. Now the traffic and conversions coming from Google AdWords will be tracked. Because you used affiliate link as a destination URL, the traffic from Google AdWords will be sent to this link.

Google acts as your affiliate, but because it is virtual account for your own use, you don't need to pay it any commission from affiliate system.


Affiliate software can simplify your life by tracking your ROI and conversions from multiple different external systems and/or campaigns (like AdWords, Overture, HotScripts, etc.), and providing reports and comparison of the results.

Maros Fric is CTO and co-owner of Quality Unit, a software company specialising in consulting & development for web marketing and web data mining. He is behind the creation of, one of the most powerful affiliate tracking software available on the market.

How To Make Money Working Online

By Aubrey Richardson Richardson

Most people who have a computer would like to learn how to make money working online. The challenge usually is knowing where or how to get started. Most everyone anticipates earning “big” money quickly only to experience little to no earned income. This usually leaves a person feeling frustrated and either ready to quit or more determined to get better results. If you maintain the burning desire to make money working online, you will need to keep your focus.

Writing to you from experience, I can tell you first and foremost - find a mentor! Find someone you KNOW who has obtained the results you would like to have for yourself. By this I mean you want to learn the truth about anyone who has claimed or is claiming, to make money working online. Don’t fall for “smoke & mirror” type results that express or show a high or outlandish return on their effort. Use your own sensory acuity and listen to your inner voice. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably isn’t true at all. A great number of success stories are embellished specifically to get your interest and more pointedly, to get YOUR MONEY!

I’ve read a great number of ebooks, “how to” manuals and numerous other resources to help in determining the “right” or best tools for the venture. I’ve gleaned tons of incredible information from countless writers and their publications. One biggie that sticks out by devouring many different authors points of view is this, if you find yourself reading the same type of information from various individuals, you can bet it’s factual. The key is how to pick the best one(s) to learn from without spending a small fortune before seeing a return on your investment.

Best way to learn how to make money working on line is to not only read it but view it as well. My learning curve increased drastically by watching online videos of “how to” examples. Most people learn by watching others do something and then “copy” it or imitate their process. By doing so, you should find yourself getting the same results as your teacher or mentor. After all, if you want to make more money working online, you should be duplicating someone else’s success patterns for yourself. Not to be a “copy-cat” or “me-too” product but more along the lines of catapulting (or slingshot) you forward to success faster!

The key for me to make money working online has been doing something proactive on a weekly basis. If you can take some form of action each day, then you will progress much faster. Obviously the more time you devote to make money online then chances are, you’ll see results much quicker. I suggest “weekly” because most individuals that want to free themselves by having an Internet based business have other jobs too. It’s important to understand you can have success without being “married” to your computer every single day. Work smarter not harder or longer!

As an estimate, plan to commit at least 10 – 15 hours per week for at least 1 full year, as a suggested minimum! Everyone experiences different types of results throughout their first year but stick with it. Learn from others mistakes and benefit from their success tips!!

About the author:b
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online

Are You Afraid To Start a Home Base Biz?

By Eddie Watkins Watkins

Are you afraid to start a home base biz? Some skepticism and fear is healthy, but if it renders you comatose. Then this is not a good thing at all.

We as humans, are creatures of habit. We like to stick close to our comfort zones. We don't go out of our way, to take chances. We don't take chances, because we don't know what the outcome will bring. We live our lives sort of in a rut. Doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. I have heard the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.

Do you know that guy, that is always wishing to win the lottery. But never goes out and buys a ticket? Or what about the guy, that's been on the same job for 5 years. And complains everyday about not making enough money. This is the same guy that is going to quit, the very next time, the boss makes a comments about his bad job performance.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Do you go to a 9 to 5 everyday, thinking and saying to yourself. I know there's got to be a better way? If I only had a way out, I would quit this job today. I just don't know what else to do.

I think part of the problem is that, we were raised with the idea. That to have a good life we needed only to have a good job, with benefits, get a home, and raise a family.We we programmed, that working for someone else was sufficient enough, to live a good life.
That may have been true in the industrial age. But we are now in the information age.

In this day and time, it is not your bosses job to make you wealthy. His job is to get you a paycheck. If your paycheck is not enough, then it is your responsibility, . to make yourself wealthy or Financially Free.

Let's associate starting a Home Base Biz, with learning to ride a bike. When you first learned how to ride a bike. Did you just jump on the bike, and start riding it like you were a professional? No someone had to help you onto the bike, and had to hold you as you wobbled down the street. You fell off a couple of times, but your desire to ride that darn thing, out weighed all your fears. So you continued with your goal of riding that bike. One day, riding that same bike, that you thought was so terrifying, and almost impossible, became second natured. You got on the bike without even thinking about it, and just rode off into the sunset. The main thing is, you had a desire, then you acted upon it.

The only thing that beats a failure is a try.

If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a home base biz, act upon them. The hardest thing is to get started. Once you get started, my experience has been that things start falling into place.

Our fears, I believe is just holding on to our old bad habits, mixed in with our ego's.

Do you know someone that can always give you all the reasons why, a certain project won't work. But has never tried to do anything with his or her life? Don't be that person.

Don't be the person who says, I wish, I coulda, woulda shoulda, by then it will be to late.

Remember the word fear stand for: False Evidences that Are not Real.

About the author:b
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Are You Searching For Home Based Success?

By Aubrey Richardson Richardson

Everyone is searching for home business success! Home based businesses are popping up every day and numerous others will start a home business within the next year. Experiencing home business success is important to anyone who desires to work at home. For those of us who already have a home business we are continually looking to grow and connect with others who are like-minded.

Work at home “Dads” are becoming as popular as work at home “Moms”. Maybe even more so, as large companies continue to “cut-back” and downsize their operations. Home based businesses are becoming the norm. Most households already have two “bread winners” in the family and have turned towards starting a home business part-time.

If you are looking to improve your bottom line and have pondered the thought of beginning your own home business, now is the time. Taking the right steps to home business success will get you off to a fast start. The key for continued home business success is to plug into a PROVEN system that you can follow to the top! If you are looking for an opportunity to work from home and don’t have a great deal of money to start a home business, you can search most any search engine for home based success stories and get free information on the subject.

True home business success requires effort, just as any other type of venture you may pursue. Moreover, your home business success may be directly tied to how much “thought” and “action” you give to it. You’ll rise to the top much faster by finding other individuals who have already experienced home business success and willing to show you how they did it.

Find a mentor (someone who has already been there – done that – and got the T-shirt) and implement their home business success formula. After all, they most likely will be able to show you where the “pot holes” lie and how to avoid them! Success Coaches are the key to most any rapid success, especially when working in a large industry. Sometimes you’ll come across too many “different” ideas or approaches to a given outcome. A Success Coach will help keep you on track and keep you away from all the “noise” they may distract you.

Take it from me … run from the ones who make you promises in order to get you “in” to their work at home program! Most of these guys only succeed in “recruiting” and not actually building a true, long lasting, residual type of income we all desire from working a home based opportunity.

So what are you to look for in a home based business? Well … we all have our opinions and below you will find a few of my own:

- Solid Leadership - You’ve heard it before, “Leadership is everything, and everything rises and falls on leadership”. Without quality leaders (proven in the field) you are placing your trust and work effort in uncharted waters! Find out “who” is behind the wheel and what their game plan is (should they have one).

- Financial Stability - Too many times we’ve experienced or heard of a once thriving company, having to close their doors (usually due to poor leadership) due to lack of funds. Let’s face it; finances are the key to any company’s success and or failure. Without money to keep the lights on and pay the necessary overhead, it’s only a matter of time until “lights out”!

- A Vision – It’s the old saying … “without a vision, you perish”! Therefore, if there isn’t a “plan” (a foreseen outcome or objective), then failure is most likely what’s around the corner.

Of course all three of these issues go together and are entwined or fused together. Sort of like one is no good without the other and without one, neither of the other two really exist. But then again, that’s just an opinion!

Ultimately selecting the best home based business for you, requires you to know what you want and know your outcome. If you simply just “jump in” as some would have you do, you may find yourself drowning in the process! You are much better off to research and select a home based business that offers you PROVEN SYSTEMS for your success. Once you’ve found the right one for you … work the system!

About the author
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online

Are You An Employee Or Entrepreneur?

by: Melih Oztalay

I came across the below story and I could not help but think but to share this with everyone. You might find this story quite interesting. It is adapted from an audio segment by Robert Kiyosaki, best selling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

A Spring Runs Dry

The story is told of a spring that ran dry in a small mountain village. The leaders gathered to determine how they would supply the village with clean water. There was another spring and reservoir about a mile away but was too far for the villagers to travel.

One of the men volunteered to solve the problem by carrying water into the village himself each morning for a set fee. Since the need for water was clear, the leaders agreed to the offer and determined a fair price for each bucket of water delivered.

Early the next morning the "bucket carrier" arose and began transporting water. It was hard work but he was pleased with the immediate pay for his efforts. He awoke each day and hurriedly carried water. The more he delivered, the higher the pay.

As time went on, he began to think there had to be a better way. So, he designed buckets that could hold more water and were easier to carry. He bought better shoes and discovered a quicker route between the reservoir and the village.

The problem was, despite all his improvements, the bucket carrier still had to get up each day to carry water.

A Better Solution?

Some time later, another villager came forward with an offer to supply water. He planned to build a pipeline from the reservoir to the village.

The leaders were skeptical but eventually agreed to the competing plan, especially since the new proposal would cost the villagers less for the same amount of water. So, while the bucket carrier continued his daily routine, the second man began work on the pipeline.

The digging was tedious through the treacherous mountain terrain. The necessary tools and materials proved costly but he continued his work diligently for many months.

Finally, the "pipeline builder" installed the last piece of pipe and ceremoniously opened the valve while a crowd gathered. Everyone cheered as they watched clean water flow into the village cistern.

How Things Changed!

The following day the two men's worlds changed dramatically.

The bucket carrier had to lower his prices significantly to temain competitive. He worked harder and yet found himself worrying about losing his job.

The pipeline builder, however, began enjoying the fruit of his labor. He stopped working long days and began enjoying the income his venture generated. He found the pipeline required minimal maintenance, so he was free to spend his days fishing the mountain streams and enjoying time with his kids.

Years Later

Many years later, after both men had died, the pipeline was still an integral part of village life and the pipeline builder's children continued to enjoy the benefits of a father's entrepreneurial spirit.


Bucket Carrier
Description: Employee - Has a job
Income Type: Linear Income
Effort: Constant
Implications Time Poverty
Reward: Immediate gratification (paycheck)
Examples: Construction worker, Doctor, Secretary, Lawyer, etc.

Pipeline Builder
Description: Entrepreneur - Owns a system
Income Type: Residual Income
Effort: Intensive early with minimal later
Implications: Time Freedom
Reward: Delayed Gratification (fees for service or royalties)
Examples: Author, Inventor, Artist, Musician, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, etc.

Consider building a pipeline...

It doesn't matter how efficient you are at "carrying water" (your job). Nor does it matter the size of your paycheck. Going to work tomorrow, next week and ten years from now will still be the prerequisite to collecting a paycheck....only a paycheck.

I hope everyone enjoyed this story. It certainly makes the mind ponder how we approach our income now-a-days. We certainly have significant number of options and the technology allows us the flexibility to be entrepreneurs from the comfort of our home.

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